1. TOP


Use of Personal Information

When you contact us or leave a comment on our website, you may be asked to provide personal information such as your name and email address.
The personal information we collect will be used solely for the purpose of responding to your inquiries or providing necessary information to you via email or other means of communication.
We will not use this information for any other purposes.


Our website uses third-party advertising services (such as Google AdSense) to display advertisements for products and services based on users’ interests.
These services use cookies to track and personalize the ads displayed. However, these cookies do not identify individuals personally.

For information on how to disable cookies or for more details on Google AdSense, please refer to the “Ads – Policies and Terms – Google” page.

Analytics Tools

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google, to collect traffic data on our website.
Google Analytics uses cookies to gather anonymous traffic data, which does not personally identify individuals.


When you leave a comment on our website, your IP address is collected.
This is a standard feature supported by the website platform and is only used for purposes such as spam prevention and addressing inappropriate behavior.
Please note that all comments are reviewed and approved by the site administrator before being published.


We do not take any responsibility for the information or services provided on websites accessed through links or banners from our website.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date content and information on our website, we do not guarantee its accuracy or safety. The information provided may be outdated.

We cannot be held liable for any damages or losses incurred as a result of the content posted on our site. Please understand and acknowledge this disclaimer.


Reproduction of the content, including text and images, posted on our website is strictly prohibited without permission.

Our website is not intended for the purpose of infringing upon copyright or portrait rights. If you have any concerns regarding copyright or portrait rights, please contact us through the inquiry form. We will promptly address the issue.


In general, you are free to link to our website. No permission or notification is required for linking.

However, please refrain from using inline frames or directly linking to images without permission.